Hizol Hi-3 is a premium quality super performance motorcycle Oil are specially formulated with high quality base oils and today modern additive technology. They provide the highest level of protection & Performance to 4-stroke engines. Hizol Hi-3 oils are designed to provide improved oxidation resistance, improved deposit protection, better wear protection, and better low-temperature performance over the life of the oil.
Prolonged engine life
Keep engine clean.
Maximum Protection from rust, corrosion and foam.
Excellent high & low temperature stability
Ultimate engine, gear box & clutch protection.
Reduce friction and Heat, keeping bikes running cool.
PACKING : 700ML, 208L
SAE : 20W-50
Typical Characteristics:
SAE GRADE | 20w-50 |
Viscosity at 40˚C CST | 152 |
Viscosity at 100˚C CST | 17 |
Viscosity Index | 121 |
Pour Point | -18 |
Flush Point | 230 |
TBN | 6 |
Density at 15˚C kg/m3 | 0.875 |